Pastor Josh Thompson. Pastor Josh

The wickedness of man and the grace of God

Pastor Interviews - Josh Thompson

The Economy of GOD: GIFTS

The Love of God - A Talk on Relationships

Pastor Greg introduces Pastor Josh, the pastor Legacy City Church

Pastor Josh Thompson CEN Guest

Session 4 | Josh Thompson | CCA Pastors & Leaders Conference

Couples Conference: Session 2 with Pastor Josh Thompson

Follow The Leader, Even If He Waddles - Pastor Josh Thompson

Pastor Josh on 'The Frank Sontag Show'

Healed at the Name of Jesus

Marriage, God's Way Part 2

GOD is the beginning

Above & Beyond : Reach Beyond - Pastor Josh Thompson


Chaos in the hands of GOD

A time to create, and a time to rest

Josh Thompson: God's Plan in the Midst of Pain

7/6/24 Pastor Josh Thompson 'Foundations Pt 2'

Watch Pastor Josh share where the church is headed in 2021

Who are you making a name for?

Your House In Heaven

Let all be done in love

What Are You Saying? | Josh Thompson | Sunday, November 10th. 2019